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ASAT November newsletter

The Association for Science in Autism Treatment, the 25-year old resource for parents, teachers, and others with interest in autism, is back again with its most recent newsletter.

Flyer of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment

The newsletter includes notes about ASAT’s anniversary celebration, an up-coming Webinar, research about teaching children to avoid abduction, and a feature introduced by Kimberly Marshall about augmentative and alternative communication.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) encompasses a broad variety of technologies that can support individuals on the autism spectrum in communicating with others. Research has shown that some forms of AAC including sign language, pictures, and speech generating devices are effective for supplementing vocal speech or serving as a primary means of communication for individuals  who have difficulty communicating vocally. Other forms of AAC, such as the rapid prompting method and facilitated communication, are harmful and should be avoided by consumers. In this treatment summary, Dr. Kristin Bowman provides a comprehensive description of AAC, shares information about popular AAC treatments, and provides consumers with important considerations for determining systems that will work for them and their children. We hope you enjoy this useful insight into the complex topic of AAC.

Read the full article and more from the SIAT newsletter for November 2023 and look through the entire newsletter to additional valuable contents.

#ASAT #November #newsletter