
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Engaging 14(c) Certificate Holders to Increase Competitive Integrated Employment

The shift from subminimum wage employment to competitive integrated employment is complex and complicated for both workers and employers.

This practice brief explores how Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment (SWTCIE) projects engage employers that hold 14(c) certificates to encourage workers to competitive integrated employment from subminimum wage employment.

The brief summarizes interviews with four SWTCIE projects and shares promising practices including (1) open communication with project partners; (2) building on and investing in relationships; (3) having a positive mindset; and (4) leaning on experts. The lessons learned could help vocational rehabilitation agencies and other organizations interested in partnering with 14(c) certificate holders to promote competitive integrated employment.

#Engaging #14c #Certificate #Holders #Increase #Competitive #Integrated #Employment