
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Expanding on a Learner’s Language in Pre-K and Kindergarten – The Autism Helper

There is a lot of language research and how to teach vocabulary, key concepts, content, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Language is complex and difficult, however important for early learners to be exposed to and have time to practice. If a learner is not yet speaking or has limited vocal language, using strategies that expand on what they do have is one that I use within the classroom and recommend to families to work on within the home. When recommending strategies to families to carry out within the home, it is following the BST (Behavioral Skills Training) model of showing them live, in a video or role-playing using the strategy. Then they will implement the strategy as we give feedback and then they will be ready to implement it on their own. Using strategies and skills that expand on a learner’s language use helps teach them how to expressively use words to describe, how to inadvertently learn syntax and grammar at an age-appropriate level, provides opportunities for a learner to work with teachers and peers, and practice noticing the language they are using and how to expand on it, and helps learners connect print with spoken words. 

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