
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Introducing Secondary PE Passport: The Home of Practical PE!

We have yet another exciting collaboration to share this week. We have been working with PE Passport over the past two years to develop an app that will help supercharge your PE offer, making it easier to programme your curriculum, plan lessons, organise learner journeys, collect and analyse data and importantly revolutionise how GCSE moderation video evidence is collected – saving you hours of time!

[Start a Free Trial Today]

Core PE Features

Our user-friendly interface enables you to quickly and easily build your curriculum map and timetable on our web-based platform by tailoring the template that best matches your offer. You will be supported to input facilities, staff available and cohort names before utilising a drag-and-drop scheme of work builder with the choices of:

  1. A traditional sport/activity approach
  2. A concept curriculum
  3. Your own bespoke framework

Once class lists have been imported (e.g. from SIMS), you will be able to allocate and move students between classes and ensure staff have access to the most recent data about their students and easily add planning/assessment details via either the web-based platform or the mobile app which includes the option to record video evidence. It does this and much much more besides, including but not limited to the following:

Examination PE Features

We all know how complex the PE and sports qualification landscape is so we have built a simple yet flexible tool that enables you to capture, track and monitor a number of GCSE, A-level and vocational pathways to include a cutting-edge video storage library that will make preparing for practical assessments, finalising marks and even sharing with your external moderators an absolute breeze.

Extra-Curricular and Enrichment Features

Our unique tool for tracking, monitoring and rewarding students for their commitment and engagement in extra-curricular clubs and/or representing school will not only motivate students by encouraging them to collect rings and badges but also simplify your ability to report on this year-on-year to analyse the impact of your broader offer.

We want to reward early adopters by offering a FREE trial for 1 term to make sure it is the right platform for you and will honour a lifetime reduced subscription for the first 50 schools who upgrade their trial account to a full subscription!

[Start a Free Trial Today]

Introductory Webinar

Alternatively, if you would like to hear more about the Secondary PE passport with a live demonstration of the platform please join us on Monday 5th February 2024 from 16:00-17:00 (London, UK). To register, please click here.

Thank you for supporting us.

Liz & the team at PE Scholar

#Introducing #Secondary #Passport #Home #Practical