
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Leading Homeschool Reading Lessons with The Leveled Daily Curriculum – The Autism Helper

Beginning reader- Using Level 1 Leveled Daily Reading Comprehension Curriculum

My youngest son, George communicates verbally somewhat, but also with an AAC device. George can identify all letters and sounds and say most of them. He uses his AAC device to read and match words in his books. We use simple alphabet books and he is learning how to build sentences like “A is for apple,” from his book. I also like to come up with activities for reading that can get them moving around so we can stretch our reading time. George loves letters, so I got him jumbo upper and lowercase magnets, along with alphabet sound magnets and he gets to move around by arranging them on the easel, while we say the letters, their sounds, and the words.

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