
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Newsletter Week of February 5, 2024

We are excited to welcome Dr. Sandra Affenito to the nest as the University’s new Chief Academic Officer.  In this role, Dr. Affenito will serve as Provost, overseeing all aspects of online and main campus academics at the University.  She is an accomplished executive and academic leader who has a diverse background in Higher Education, healthcare, industry, private practice, and bio-behavioral research. Dr. Affenito has a proven record of success in leading strategic planning, accreditation, institutional research, enrollment management, and complex operational units across comprehensive universities.

Dr. Affenito holds a Ph.D. in Nutritional Science from the University of Connecticut and completed post-doctoral training in Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences at Wesleyan University through the National Institutes of Health, Office of Women’s Health, authoring over 70 scientific peer-reviewed publications in her research career. She holds certificates in Higher Education leadership from the HERS (Higher Education Resource Services) Institute, and the Harvard Institute for Institutional Education Management. She is a 2020 Executive Leadership Academy (ELA) Fellow of the University of California, Berkeley-Leading in a Multicultural and Global Environment.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Affenito, and if you are on campus, stop by the library and say hello!

#Newsletter #Week #February