
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12


Dear Readers,


Lately, I’ve been in a deeply reflective mood. I’m trying to figure myself and my patterns out. The problem: I’ve quit my second job in less than one year. I’m almost never one to blame someone else for my problems. I like to take full responsibility for my troubles. So, it’s only natural that I look to myself in order to solve what’s wrong with me.

So, I came up with a sabotage formula. I thought of all the ways I’ve been sabotaging myself. Let me just say that I’m so good at sabotaging myself. That’s something I don’t want to be good at. So, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to stop myself from doing it.  Keep in mind, they are a little rough and I will refine them, but this is what I’m working with.

Tentatively making a start (read: half-ass) + giving it my all for a short amount of time + sabotaging myself + not treating myself right + feeling like a victim + taking too long to follow through= FAILURE

On the flip side, it stands to reason that, if I want to be successful, that I would have a formula for success. Here it is:

Make a plan + Follow through on the plan + encourage myself + love myself unconditionally + surround myself with a great circle/tribe= SUCCESS

For most of my life, I have not been good to myself. That changes now. I refuse to not realize my potential. I am more than unrealized potential. I have to, have to get better on follow through. This is what is killing my dreams.

So, today, this is my declaration:

I DECLARE that I will put actions behind my faith. I will not be passive or indifferent. I will demonstrate my faith by taking bold steps to move toward what God has put in my heart. My faith will not be hidden; it will be seen. I know when God sees my faith, HE will show up and do amazing things.