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The Future of Beyond technology Education and our Core Values | Beyond Technology Education

Beyond Technology Education is celebrating its 20th year in business and also marking the end of a 20-year partnership between peers.  

With the retirement of Rick Harrell, company co-founder, BTE has an opportunity to rebrand, rebuild, renew, and rediscover what will propel them into the future.

This is a very exciting time.

We began this transitional year by hiring a top-level Education consultant to evaluate our current business.

We wanted to learn from an outside source what is good, noble, and important about BTE, and what is old, obsolete, and counterproductive.

She interviewed clients, staff, and executives of the company.

From that analysis, and some deep soul searching, we went on to develop the Beyond technology Education Core Values for 2022.

They are as follows:

  • Ed Tech Visionary / Innovator and Education Centric
  • Community and Family Driven
  • Team Players
  • High Customer Service and Servant Leadership
  • Strong Work Ethic

The detailed document can be found here.

What are Core Values?

As a definition, company core values are the clearly stated principles about the organization’s vision, mission, and principles. That way, everyone is aligned around a guiding philosophy to serve employees, customers, and the broader community. That can also double as the definition of company culture.


Why are Core Values important?

Simply put, organizational culture is the collective result of how people on the team think and behave, their shared values and how they react to internal and external stimuli. A company culture – and its corresponding set of guiding principles (core values) – are either decisively created and nurtured from the very beginning or – more typically – develop haphazardly over time through the beliefs and experiences of those on the team.


How will our Core Values be used as a tool to make the company better?

From a business perspective, having a core set of company values makes it easier for a company to make decisions, foster teamwork and help employees collaborate, quickly communicate principles to clients and customers, and hire employees with the right attitude


The first iteration of our Core Values was made with input from the old regime and the new.

I feel like it is a great place to start as we begin this critical year.

I suppose when we review them later in the year, we will have a fresh perspective and I know they will grow and evolve as the market and the company grows and matures.

This is what makes modern business structures so amazing. 

Companies are no longer just about board rooms and balance sheets.

Business is about ideas, making a difference, helping people both in and out of the organization, about collaborating with like-minded companies and people.

Businesses today have a great chance to create change and set the direction for the future of our country.

Education companies in particular have a unique opportunity to leverage the technology, networks, and reach available like never before in history, to create ways to spread knowledge to the haves and have-nots and to shape the minds and skill sets of future generations.

Technology changes every day. We are here to help.

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