
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

CSPAP – Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

Small Steps For Bigger Success


Once your school has embraced the CSPAP framework conceptually, it is time to start taking action. And while you might be eager to get every student to 60 minutes of Physical activity in just a few weeks, it might take time.


Successfully implementing a CSPAP model can be a lofty and daunting task! Again, it takes time to see change, but we should still get to work. Small steps can make a big difference. Be patient and collaborative as you set out to transform your school’s Physical activity opportunities for students.


Moreover, recognize the need for sustainable practices. For example, a dedicated bike to school day might help ignite excitement in students. However, the goal is to create long-term Physical activity behaviors for our students. Therefore, bike to school day might be the starting point, but there should also be a coordinated approach to encourage and enhance bike routes so students can do this throughout the year.


In addition, it is essential to support school staff with resources and helpful tools to connect the work of Physical education to the classroom and before and after school activities. For many teachers, this will require time and training to feel comfortable adding different Physical activities throughout the school day.


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