
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Join The TeacherCast 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge!

Are You Ready To Take The TeacherCast 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge?

Welcome to the TeacherCast 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge!

At this moment, I”m guessing you might fit into one of these categories:

  1. You have a great idea that you would like to get noticed by the educational community

  2. You are looking to build a distinguishable brand for yourself to get noticed by edtech companies, professional learning conferences, or perhaps … employers.

  3. You are looking to take your current website, blog, podcast, book, and/or social media strategy to the next level

If this describes you in any way … you are in the right place!

Join The 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge

How Does The 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge Work?

Over the course of 90 Days, you are going to learn how to create a distinguishable educational brand just like I did with the TeacherCast Educational Network.

By the time you have completed this course, you will have the beginnings of a plan to take on the ever-growing educational technology landscape to help you get noticed and begin to earn some extra income for yourself and your family from your email newsletters and passion projects.

Why 90 Days?

The idea for the 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge came from a bunch of amazing Educational Podcasters discussing our plans and goals for 2020.  Someone in the group said “what if we did a 30-day challenge to motivate ourselves and hold each other accountable. Another then said, “30 days is nice… 90 days is better.”

So that got me thinking about how I can contribute to the conversation and before you know it, I was drafting up an online course and designing landing pages and contact forms.

Is The Challenge For Everyone?

Because everyone will be coming to the challenge from different backgrounds, with different projects, and with a different agenda, the challenge will be broken down into three challenge levels:

  • Beginner: (total newbies)

  • Intermediate: (you have a list but don’t know what to do with it)

  • Advanced: (you have Built Your EDU Brand but want additional support and strategies)

No matter what challenge level you are, I promise to help you and be there along the way to support you in anyway that I can.

Additionally, the Challenge will be broken down into two “halves”

  1. The first half consists of a 14 day Online Course where I will walk you through a variety of topics to get you thinking about Email Marketing and your personal brands. If this is too much don’t worry, just stick with me and save the emails to reference later.

  2. The second half consists of the final 2 Months where I will be working with you at whatever level you are at to encourage you and support you. I will provide weekly challenges that will ask you to do a task and send in some type of proof so we can help you move forward.

What Will You Learn Over The Next 90 Days?

In this challenge, you are going to learn:

  • How to find and target your Avatar to grow your email list.

  • The importance of having a great looking website and how to build the one that attracts eyes on your brand and grows your email list.

  • How to grow a successful Social Media strategy that gets you noticed and grows your email list.

  • How to create a branded professional slide deck for your next conference that grows your email list.

  • How to fight the war on the inbox and what it means for your unopened emails.

  • How to improve your email open rates so that the work you put into your emails gets noticed clicked on.

  • and much more …

I’m excited to be a part of your journey and look forward to working with you!

Until next time …

Keep up the great work in your classrooms, and continue sharing your passions on your platforms!

Jeff Bradbury

About the author, Jeffrey Bradbury

Jeff Bradbury, creator of TeacherCast, and father of the famous @EduTriplets Thanks for checking out TeacherCast today. Please take a moment to find me on all of my Social Media channels!

#Join #TeacherCast #90Day #Email #Marketing #Challenge