
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Pushup Progression Options

Push Up Points Of Performance


First, we must articulate, completely but concisely, the points of performance that constitute a perfect push-up. No matter what push-up variation we are using in our exercise routine, there are some fundamental starting points for proper technique with our push-up form. These include:


1. Hand Placement – Palms flat on the ground, fingers forward, just outside of the shoulders.

Hand placement might vary slightly depending on more advanced versions within the pushup progression. For example: DB close grip push ups will have us holding dumbbells rather than hands on the ground, but all the other points of performance will still apply.


2. Elbow Path – Shoulders remain externally rotated, tracking the elbows back towards the lats/rib cage, not flaring out to the side.


3. Midline Position – Core should remain engaged through the movement, maintaining a neutral spine. Hips should not sag, or move independent of the torso (think the worm style push up). Hips should never hit the ground and should move in time with the shoulders.


4. Full ROM – Chest must touch the floor at the bottom (not the abs) and elbows must lockout fully at the top.

#Pushup #Progression #Options