
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

Recruitment Done? What Next? – Coursy LMS for enterprise

The annual survey of Estonian HR management revealed that recruitment and selection was the number 1 priority for HR managers in 2022 (Estonian HR Society, 2022).

While learning and development was found in the last place back then, this year it is seen more important than anything else. It’s time to think about how to create a bridge that would connect these priority areas on the HR desk.

Let’s take the virtual onboarding program to a new level

Screenshot of employee portal

To a greater or lesser extent, every HR professional comes into contact with onboarding. The topic on the table can turn out to be either a great success story or, on the contrary, a complete failure. However, one thing is certain: the common way of thinking, where onboarding is the end point of successful recruitment, must change. On the contrary, onboarding is the first step in employee retention and further development. Thus, the design of every successful onboarding program begins with the question: how does an adult learn?

One of the reasons why an adult learns, is knowing or feeling that learning is really useful for them: personal development takes place, their self-improvement efforts are supported, they get personal benefits through learning, which increases their (learning) motivation. At the same time, in the case of an adult, it must be taken into account that onboarding or learning is inevitably intertwined with all their other activities and responsibilities.

In other words, it becomes important how the onboarding program is developed and whether it takes into account the characteristics of the adult learner. Is the program flexible enough and at the same time reliable enough to function independently if necessary? Are the trainings also substantive and professionally necessary, or are they done just for the “tick”? These are questions that every organization’s HR department should consider when developing or updating the onboarding program.

In the long term, however, the goal should be for the onboarding program to develop organically and based on needs and eventually become a (work)lifelong learning program covering the entire life map of the employee.

4 Activities to Consider Before Developing a Successful Virtual Onboarding Program

  1. Create a core program that can be used for retention and onboarding that keeps up with the times. The onboarding program must be usable and applicable to different target groups, i.e. easily modified according to the profile of the position. No less important is the e-learning environment in which to use the program – it must be safe and reliable. Magnum uses Coursy on a daily basis.
  2. Create up to date and relevant trainings (both face-to-face and asynchronous trainings) and easy-to-find and understandable informational materials. When creating trainings, make sure that the trainings are practical and fulfill a specific purpose. Avoid training sessions that cover several important topics but are scattered. The trainings should involve adults and, if possible, offer an experience of success.
  3. Find ways to support and engage your employee at every stage of the work life cycle. It is important to notice yourself and be noticed. For this purpose, the employer must create a safe (virtual) environment, enable social interaction at different levels and offer various support options (including mentoring, coaching, buddy system, etc.).
  4. Invite an adult education specialist to help build, analyze or support the implementation of the onboarding program. 

The next step

#Recruitment #Coursy #LMS #enterprise