
Basic Education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, k 12

#SOL24: To Know Someone

My grin literally stretched from ear to ear. I checked my rearview mirror and engaged my turn signal. No other vehicles were too close, so no panic as I slammed on my brakes before a sudden left turn into a parking lot. Visions of the perfect picture and the perfect audience were already dancing in my head.

I was surprised. It’s a small town, a little town that I usually pass through every month. How had I missed this? In December I did take a different route to the family reunion. Maybe, I had skipped this section of the road. But I had a few minutes that would allow me to snap a quick picture and send it on to some friends who would really appreciate it.

Star Trek enthusiasts . . .

Here was the USS Riverside spaceship superimposed on a quilt block in the town of James Kirk’s future birthplace in Riverside, Iowa.

More information is needed. I may even need to touch the quilt block to complete my inquiry that was incomplete from behind my windshield. Is the USS Riverside painted on? Is it physically an added object? What is the quilt pattern? Why was this pattern chosen? Is there any significance in the colors used?

But for this day it was sufficient to know that a friend in Texas and one in California would appreciate this snapshot as soon as I could send it.

What do our pictures tell us about ourselves and our friends as we share them? I’ve been curiously thinking about this after reading Sally’s post here about pictures in a text exchange. 

What photos do I share? Those that interest, intrigue and enchant me. What photos do you share?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.
