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Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite New Books to Celebrate SNOW!

Snow is in the forecast, so thought it would be a good time to share some favorite books about snow! 

Here is a list of my favorite NEW books about snow that were released in late 2023 or early 2024. For more snow books, check out of some of my favorites HERE, including waiting for snow, celebrating snow, and visualizing snow.

GearTip – Remember – if you don’t have a hard copy of the book, check online for the YouTube read-alouds!

Favorite New Books about Snow:

A delightful story about a determined little boy who tries tiresly to catch a snowflake on his tongue. A hilarious celebration of winter time!

A perfect anchor book for “how to” writing! A young boy is excited to build a perfect snowman but when his snowman doesn’t look perfect he rolls with it and shows pride in his work. A cute book with a great theme!

The story of a young bear named Keith, who overcomes his dislike of snow to discover how fun winter can be!

Gorgeous illustrations and language in this book about a little girl, Ori, who wishes for snow. Then one magical snowflake appears and leads her, her friends, and family out into a snow storm.

As a young boy excitedly waits for the expected snowfall, he dreams of all the wonderful things he will do in the snow. He keeps checking out the window, not noticing all of the amazing things taking place on his street, believing that nothing is happening because there is no snow yet. A fantastic read-aloud, especially the day before a big snowfall!

Snow – Leslie Particelli

Adorable, lyrical board book filled with all the fun of playing in the snow. Perfect for your youngest readers!

A quiet, calming book about the changes in seasons shown through the slow changes to a persimmon tree branch. A simple story about the value of slowing down, seeing the world, and savoring experiences.

The Snow Man – Jonah Winter & Jeanette Winter

An interesting picture book based on a real man living in a secluded cabin who’s recordings of snow fall and other enviromental stats have been used by scientists around the world to document climate change. Backnotes are helpful for filling in background information. Excellent themes about ecology or how one person can make a difference. 

A group of penguins huddle together in the cold night to stay warm, but in the morning they are all frozen together! They ask their friends for help, but no amount of pushing or pulling can separate the penguins. So off they go to the big city to ask a special octopus doctor to help them get unfrozen. Not exacatly a book about snow but SUCH fun, I had to include it!

Can’t miss out on this nonfiction ode to snow! Explore a busy day in nature through rich language, beautiful photographs and an introduction to a variety of winter animals. 

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you found one or two new snow books that caught your eye! Happy reading, everyone! 

#Top #Ten #Tuesday #Favorite #Books #Celebrate #SNOW